Tuesday, May 15, 2012

A Reflection Of The Past Eight Months

I know I have said it before, but I can't believe how life has moved so quickly since my beginning days of becoming an empty nest mom.  Not that I knew what to expect, but most of my apprehension came from my inner thoughts telling me that life would be over and no one would need me any more and I would shrivel up. It sounds silly now when I say it out loud, but your mind plays funny tricks on you.  I have been surprised that I have been doing okay.  Now maybe it is because I have been able to still see my kids a lot.  And it is funny when we don't live together...I think we might get along better.   I have been able to talk everyday to them (okay, the two girls...boys don't need to talk as much).  Thank goodness for texting and face time.  I think a mom must of invented it.  This technology has made the separation process easier.  And the more I give the kids their space, the more they actually want to talk.  But things are different.  They are now adults.  We have different kind of talks. Like about work, and 401K's and saving for houses.  And now, they are even there to help me with things.  So in the end, I thought life was going to drastically change for me but it turns out, I think it has changed for all of us.  We might even be creating a new kind of relationship.  And I think I might even be excited to see how this plays out!! Stay tuned.

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